Gallery Ad Libitum

Find here some of the letters artists wrote to Gallery Ad Libitum

As we went through the archive, we found numerous interesting letters from artists addressed to the gallery and vice versa. It gives insight into a period when communication was not so simple… artists usually had no fixed stay place, very few people had a landline, letters were weeks on the way…

Letter from Christo in 1963

Christo excuses him self, missing his appointment…having troubles with his car…in that time you could not phone…it is not dated, but we think it is from 1963, before the exposition in Antwerp.

Letter from Lucia Fontana in 1961

Lucio Fontana asks for more information on his upcoming exposition. Remark, that he had already some manager and a heading on his letters…(20-3-61)

Lucio Fontana asks for more information on his upcoming exposition. Remark, that he had already some manager and a heading on his letters…(20-3-61)

Letter from Niki De Saint-Phalle - 3 pages, no date

Letter Yves Klein (1961)

Letter fom Yves Klein to Gallery Ad Libitum