Gallery Ad Libitum

Jaqueline & John Trouillard with Christo in a famous Antwerp Cafe called "Den Engel" in 1964

Jaqueline & John Trouillard with Christo in a famous Antwerp Cafe called "Den Engel" in 1964

Christo while preparing his exhibition in 1964 at Gallery Ad Libitum

Christo while preparing his exhibition in 1964 at Gallery Ad Libitum

Jaqueline with Arman at his exhibition in 1963

Jaqueline with Arman at his exhibition in 1963

​Jaqueline in the Gallery - Exhibition Dorazio 1961

Jaqueline in the Gallery - Exhibition Dorazio 1961

Exhibition of Lucio Fontana with Belgian Press – 1962

DYNAMO 1962 - Palais des Beaux Arts (Brussels) Piene, Uecker & Piene in a joined exhibition - 3 German Sculptors

Hiltman, Jaqueline & John

Niki de Saint-Phalle, Jaqueline at the first combined exhibition with Tinquely (1969)

Jaqueline, Tinquely and Niki de Saint-Phalle (1969)

Jaqueline, Tinquely and Niki de Saint-Phalle (1969)

Jaqueline with Uecker

Jaqueline with Uecker

John Trouillard at the joined exhibition - Niki de Saint-Phalle / Tinquely

John Trouillard at the joined exhibition - Niki de Saint-Phalle / Tinquely

Jaqueline & Soto

Jaqueline & Jesus Soto

Jesus Rafael Soto and Uecker meet at Gallery Ad Libitum

Jesus Rafael Soto and Uecker meet at Gallery Ad Libitum

Mack, Uecker & Piene

Mack, Uecker & Piene at DYNAMO - Palais des Beaux Arts, Brussels

After the vernisage of the exhibition Piene, Mack, Uecker at Palais des Beaux Arts - Brussels 1/12/1962 (DYNAMO)

After the vernisage of the exhibition Piene, Mack, Uecker at Palais des Beaux Arts - Brussels 1/12/1962 (DYNAMO)