Gallery Ad Libitum

Gallery Ad Libitum in short....

Gallery Ad Libitum was an Avantgarde Gallery in the centre of Antwerp during the sixties and the seventies and exhibited a lot of todays International Artists such as Niki de Saintphalle, Tinguely, Arman, Fontana, Christo and lots of others.  Gallery Ad Libitum was owned by Jaqueline & John Trouillard and was active between 1958 and 1972.  John & Jacky where a dream team.  Whereas Jacky took the commercial site for her, John Trouillard breathed art until his last years. Art was his passion. He had knowledge about all forms of art, wether it was about music, vases, ethnicity, ancient art and of course modern art, he knew all aubout it… 

Untill his dead, John Trouillard followed all the trends about art and followed close the auction results from all the major auction houses. Even when he was retired he advised a lot of other galleries, organisations and auction houses. John died quietly in his sleep at he age of 90 and Jacky choose for ending voluntary her live through euthanasia at the age of 84 because she was not satisfied anymore about the quality of her life…She was nearly 10 years a widow and missed John a lot…

Jaqueline at the age of 83

John Trouillard at the age of 89